Mobile application development

Provide you with professional customized development of mobile Internet applications based on IOS and Android systems. It supports iPhone, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets, covering APP native development, Html5 development, mobile portal development, etc.

Management software customization

Enterprise software management system is a necessary information tool provided to enterprise managers. The only criterion for measuring it is "whether it can be combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, improve work efficiency and management level, and bring help to enterprise development."

Web application development

Service advantages: We specialize in customizing all kinds of website systems. We have multi-architecture system development technology and platform construction capabilities. We have rich experience in implementing website systems and e-commerce platforms. We can connect the internal systems and external website services to achieve business data interoperability.

Business analysis and business intelligence

Provide customers with comprehensive solutions and services to help customers transform the massive data of their operations into high-value decision-making and business support information. Our extremely rich resources help customers to improve their decision-making and operational capabilities in an all-round manner, as well as enhance their market competitiveness.

Software development + service

Software R & D + service, a customized software development service model designed to solve the problems faced by enterprise customers and promote their rapid development of business needs Under this service model, it helps customers solve the problems they face easier, more efficiently and more safely, bring innovation and competitiveness into the rapidly changing market, and achieve the goal of informatization.

ODC cooperation model

ODC (Offshore Development Center) is a small team composed of 2 ~ 7 agile software engineers. Each member of the team has the ability of self-management and customer communication, works closely with customers, and ultimately helps customers achieve information goals through technical means. ODC is a cooperation model set for the goal of software development + service "developing software for customers to quickly solve problems and create real value".

Industry-wide Internet solutions

Rich industry customer service experience, targeted IT solutions: logistics, e-commerce, finance, entertainment, games, life services, education, etc.

Integrated service process

We have professional service team with standardized service process in the industry. Take our project customers as the service center, We establish an independent project team for each project, and implement the seamless connection from project establishment to project completion.

Strategic consultation

We are committed to promoting business improvement through implementation of change, focusing on transforming strategy into reality, and have a strong delivery team to support strategic suggestions, cooperate with customers, and jointly create executable strategies at different levels from market to business strategy, and from system to data strategy.

Enterprise architecture services

Using a unique way to help global enterprises adopt a new generation of enterprise architecture and support digital enterprises. Our services cover all elements of enterprise architecture, such as strategy, assessment, development, solution architecture, SOA governance, and measurement.